09:01 < ripe_418> Goodmorning everyone. Welcome to the plenary. My name is Nathalie Trenamanfrom the RIPE NCC. I will be monitoring chat during this session. If you have a question or comment, I can read it out for you. Please make your questions as clear as possible. I will read out any questions when the speaker asks for questions at the end of his/her presentation. Please note that all chat transcripts will be archived and made available to the public on https:[CUT]
09:03 < ripe_418> Alun Barrett has begun with the AFRINIC update
09:03 < ripe_418> nick Nathalie_RIPENCC
09:08 < Nathalie_RIPENCC> Paul Wilson has begun the APNIC update
09:15 < Nathalie_RIPENCC> John Curran has begun the ARIN update
09:20 < Nathalie_RIPENCC> Oscar Robles-Garay has begun the LACNIC update
09:27 < Nathalie_RIPENCC> Paul Wilson has begun the presentation NRO EC Update
09:46 < Nathalie_RIPENCC> Nikolas Pediaditis has begun the presentation NRO Statistics
09:58 < Nathalie_RIPENCC> Kim Davies has begun the presentation IANA/PTI Update
09:58 < Nathalie_RIPENCC> If you have any questions for any of the presenters, let me know so I can relay your question on the mic
10:09 < Nathalie_RIPENCC> The discussion "Developing a RIPE Chair Selection Process" has begun
10:30 < Nurani> For the record I support the concept of a Nomcom. I support Bijal’s proposal and I think it makes good sense to separate the roles of the WG chairs from the Ripe chair selection process.
10:31 < Nathalie_RIPENCC> Nurani: want me to go to the mic for you?
10:33 < Nurani> Yes please
10:36 < Nurani> Thanks Nathalie
10:39 < Nathalie_RIPENCC> The session has ended