Useful Information

Currency and Banking

Currency Exchange

The Dutch currency is the Euro. You can change money in most banks. The GWK Travelex Exchange Bureau at Amsterdam Centraal (the central station) offers a good exchange rate. Changing your money at hotels and some other foreign exchange shops is more expensive. Online currency converter banks are open on weekdays from 09:00 – 17:00. Some banks are also open on Saturdays from 10:00 – 16:00, and on Thursday evenings from 17:00 – 20:00.

Credit Cards

All major credit cards are accepted widely, but not everywhere. Some shops and restaurants do not accept credit cards. If in doubt, ask in advance. Cash-on-card services are available from selected American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and Visa addresses. These cards are also accepted by all GWK Travelex locations and other exchange bureaus. You will find the GWK Travelex locations at Central Station and Schiphol Airport.

Business Hours

Most shops and banks are open Monday-Friday from 10:00 – 17:00, although many places remain closed until after lunch on Mondays. On Thursday evenings, many shops in the city centre stay open later.

Time Zone

In October, the Netherlands operates on UTC+1.


EU standard: 220V 50 Hz – round two-pin plugs.


In October, the average temperature is around 14 degrees Celsius.

Emergency Telephone Numbers

  • Police/Fire/Ambulance: 112
  • Police (non-emergency): +31 (0)900 8844
  • Doctor services: +31 (0)88 00 30 600
  • Dental emergencies: +31 (0)20 555 8282