14:00 < Nikolas_RIPENCC> Hi everyone, I'm Nikolas from the RIPE NCC. If you have questions/comments for the presenter and want me to read it out, please state your name/affiliation and I'll go to the mic when questions are called for. Keep in mind that there is up to a 45 second delay for remote participants, so it's better to get your questions in before the question period begins.
14:00 < Nikolas_RIPENCC> Please note that all chat transcripts will be archived and made available to the public on https://ripe77.ripe.net/
14:00 < Nikolas_RIPENCC> Constanze Dietrich has begun the presentation on "The Human Factors of Security Misconfigurations - Let's Fix the Weakest Link"
14:17 * ripe_640 slaps andyd with a big trout
14:25 < Nikolas_RIPENCC> Constanze Dietrich has asked for questions.
14:28 < Nikolas_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
14:29 < Nikolas_RIPENCC> Niels ten Oever has begun the presentation on "Innovation and Human Rights in the Internet Architecture – Is Self-Regulation Delivering on its Promise?"
14:49 < Nikolas_RIPENCC> Niels ten Oever has asked for questions.
15:02 < Nikolas_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
15:03 < Nikolas_RIPENCC> William Sylvester has begun the presentation on "RIPE Accountability Task Force Report"
15:20 < Nikolas_RIPENCC> William Sylvester has asked for questions.
15:22 < kitty> hi
15:24 < kitty> does anyone know where the newcomers reception is ?
15:24 < Nikolas_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
15:25 < Nikolas_RIPENCC> This session has now ended.