The last day of the RIPE Meeting ended with 801 attendees checked in – and what a week it was! Some highlights from the day:
NRO/RIR Updates
- A panel of much-truncated updates from our colleagues at the other RIRs – this time we just got the highlights.
- An update from the NRO EC, which is not to be confused with the ASO AC… or the NRO NC for that matter – although these are basically the same thing – though the NRO NC is the group of people chosen from the five RIR communities to perform the role of the ASO AC within the ICANN structure. Clear? Jim Reid helpfully offered an analogy – the NRO is like a plug that needs to fit into a certain type of socket (ASO) in order to hook into ICANN.
- Some interesting stats on Internet number resource distribution in the five RIR service regions.
- The first session ended with a discussion on the draft RIPE Chair Selection Procedure, that was recently circulated on the ripe-chair-discuss mailing list. A lot of the comments were about whether a Nominating Committee (NomCom) was the best way to select candidates, how the NomCom should be constituted, and what role (if any) WG Chairs should play in this process. Using the input from this session, (along with earlier mailing list comments), the proposal will be updated and shared again with the community The goal is now to reach consensus on a selection procedure at RIPE 78.
Closing Plenary
- Louis Poinsignon’s report on how Cloudflare is deploying RPKI at scale attracted a crowd at the microphones.
- Of course, the report from our Ops team on the RIPE Meeting network got a solid round of applause.
- Amanda Gowland from the RIPE NCC gave a great lightning talk on increasing the participation of women in the RIPE community that was very well received.
- Artyom Gavrichenkov presented on Wrong, wrong, WRONG! methods of DDoS mitigation.
Closing Remarks from the RIPE Chair
- Alireza Vaziri is the newest Anti-Abuse WG co-chair (bringing the total up to three)
- Alireza Vaziri was also elected to join the RIPE Programme Committee (PC), while Maria Isabel Gandia was elected for another term.
- Nurani Nimpuno was elected for a three year term on the NRO Number Council (NRO NC), starting on 1 January 2019.
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