Welcome to Amsterdam – home to canals, cheese, cyclists, “coffee”, and everyone’s favourite Network Coordination Centre. With some unseasonably warm October weather, the first day of RIPE 77 ended with 815 attendees registered and 660 checked-in. Some impressive numbers so far, but will it be enough make this the biggest RIPE Meeting yet? Follow this these daily meeting reports to find out!
Highlights from Monday’s programme:
- Tutorials on IPv6 (Jordi Palet Martinez, The IPv6 Company), P4 (Aaron A. Glenn) and updating the RIPE Database (Alvaro Vives, RIPE NCC).
- A newcomers introduction session that included a quiz and an ice-breaker – a great start for first-time attendees.
- A welcome from Hans Petter Holen, RIPE Chair and Axel Pawlik, RIPE NCC Managing Director – while Benno Overeinder, RIPE Programme Committee (PC) Chair invited everyone to get involved in the PC elections at this RIPE Meeting.
- Thomas Weible, Flexoptix, presented on “400G – Don’t Get Confused with this Transceiver Generation“.
- “It’s DNS Jim, But Not as We Know It” (we love the title!) by Sara Dickinson, Sinodun IT.
- The plenary concluded with Steinthor Bjarnason from Arbor Networks presenting the latest DDoS attack trends (carpet bomb and memcached reflection attacks)and Giovane Moura from SIDN Labs/TU Delft on DDoS attacks that target the DNS.
- The session concluded with lightning talks on Zombie Routes, Tracing Cross Border Web Tracking and HPIMP: Measuring Booter Services.
- The day finished with the BoF of the BCOP Task Force.
Our favourite tweets: